Bubbling Out: a podcast for people who lead.

Navigating Job Insecurity in Emerging Tech & Web 3

ā€¢ Emily Rose Dallara- Leadership and Mindset Coach ā€¢ Season 1 ā€¢ Episode 36

Have you ever been laid off? Or worried that you will be?It's soo common to be grappling with the sense of "job insecurity" when you work in  Web 3 and emerging tech.

This episode talks you through different scenarios of being laid off, being scared about lay offs and a clients own story.

Spoiler alert: 

I've been laid off - twice, in fact. 

It was terrifying, yet the fear itself became the catalyst, pushing me to invest in my own skills and potential. 

It's time you learned how to navigate these murky waters and turn your situation into a launchpad for growth. 

If you're going through this right now, reach out for more support and remember to subscribe & send me a screenshot to receive your free leadership essentials course.

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Speaker 1:

But what is important is doing it from a place of structure, strategy and space versus fear, and this is what I see constantly when people are laid off, they're in fear mode. They're like what am I ever going to do? There's no more money. I don't know what to do without this job. I'm here to help you understand that there is a different way of doing things. There's a million trillion ways to make money.

Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, welcome to the Web 3 Thrive podcast. I'm your host, emily Rosdellara. This podcast was designed to give you the confidence, knowledge and clarity needed to succeed and lead in Web 3. I teach proven strategies and tactics you can apply immediately to become confident and successful working in Web 3. So take 20, plug in and learn how to really thrive in Web 3. And if you'd like what you hear, leave me five stars and subscribe and Spotify or follow on Apple podcast so you never miss an episode. You can also sign up to my newsletter to get exclusive content, tips and strategies to help you thrive at work without the burnout and formal, direct to your inbox each week. Plus, you'll get full access to exclusive leadership and coaching, q&as, free workshops and all the Web 3 Thrive podcast episodes in one place. So just head over to learnweb3thrivecom. Forward slash newsletter.

Speaker 1:

Let's get into today's show. Hi everyone, today I want to speak to you about something that I'm getting quite a few of you who've been through, especially if you're working in emerging tech, in the tech space, in Web 3, in AI, and that is being laid off. And what I mean by laid off is, for those of you who are lucky enough not to know is your company has not made enough money to continue to keep you on board, and this happens very often in the cycles of Web 3. They have something called a bear market and a bull market and during those, during the bear markets, a lot of the startups, a lot of the businesses, have not been able to budget for a downtime. They haven't thought about what it takes to sustain their businesses, and it results in having to lay people off. And usually when you're in a startup or if you're in Web 3, we don't have that much protection as contractors. We are laid off without much warning and it results in having maybe one month's pay left one month to three months if you're lucky I've never been that lucky. I've had one month if that and then you're just left and you have to figure it out after that, right? Usually, if you're a leader in this space, you will have seen the cycles. You will have been able to put away some money for this kind of thing happening. But maybe you haven't right and I've been in both situations.

Speaker 1:

In 2018, I was laid off by Bitcoincom in the bear market and it was really stressful and it was awful because I felt like this was my family, which is probably not healthy, but I felt like this was my family and what we're going to do now. Long story short, I figured it out, right. I'm here and I've actually I think I've talked about this a few times in previous episodes, if you want to go back through. But I figured it out. I managed to hustle, make some money and get back on my feet, but it was really awful. It was really stressful. You feel like part of you is gone because you've put so much time and effort into building someone else's company. The second time was when I was a fractional CMO and I was working for multiple different funds and we enter the bear market and they can't afford contractors and CMOs and marketing, and so I was laid off again. And if you've listened to the first episode of Web 3 Thrive. You'll know that that was the biggest blessing that could ever have happened to me and it's what helped me understand I wanted it to be a coach in the first place, so that was amazing. So I had two very different situations and luckily I had managed to put away money and I was totally fine.

Speaker 1:

But that's not the case for everyone. So if you've been laid off and you're in one of those two scenarios, maybe you're somewhere in the middle. There is hope, guys. This is not the end. This is just a temporary situation that you are in and you can get through this. And the reason I know this is one because I've been through it and two because quite a few of my clients come to me when they have been laid off, which is one extremely brave, because you're realising that you don't know what to do now, but you're willing to invest the money that you do have into figuring it out and fast-tracking the progress. So whenever anyone comes to me with I've been laid off, I don't know what to do now, I'm very scared and very stressed, but I know that you can help me. I say it well done, this is a fucking huge that you've realised that you can't maybe do it alone at this moment in time and the states that you might be going through right now, and these are the states that actually I'm going to call my client Jessica. We'll change the name for confidentiality.

Speaker 1:

But Jessica came to me when she'd been laid off. Her emotions and feelings were fear. She was absolutely terrified that she would never get a job again. She had no idea what to do next and she had no clue what the future held for her right. She had never been in this situation before. She'd always been in big companies, especially in the tech industry, and she could have continued to be scared and figuring it out on her own. But she made a different choice, and that was investing in herself, and that investment was in me at the time to help her figure out what to do next. When she came to me, she felt stuck. She didn't know what to do. She was actually applying to lots of different jobs without thinking about it, and we realized that her applying to jobs was like a fear tactic. It was like I am so scared that I'm not going to get a job that I'm just going to apply to as many as possible without an intention. She had no intention to even get these jobs, honestly, because she didn't even know if she wanted a job. So this reaction was fear driving her when we realized that she didn't even want a job anymore. That was not the point. That was not the path she wanted to go down. She wanted to become self-sustainable.

Speaker 1:

We started to work on different areas, because to go from being in a job and working for someone else to starting to consider having your own business requires big shifts in you as a human being. And so the first thing we started to do was work on structure, because she felt like she was all over the place Hence this applying to jobs everywhere and emailing people and not really knowing what she wanted to do. She actually felt like her life was chaotic. She felt like she was spending hours looking at her laptop and scrolling on LinkedIn like just connecting with people, but without a strategy right. So we started to work on structure.

Speaker 1:

That looked like for her morning routines. In her morning routines, she used to go and do sports, and then she used to sit and meditate. She used to write down affirmations and repeat them every morning. These affirmations were stuff like I am good enough, I will build a business that I am happy and fulfilled in, whatever it was. She did it every single day and she also made time and space for reading, for just spending time with people that she loved, for creating nice spaces in a home. She was putting structure in place to make sure she had the brain space to move forward, so she created space with the morning routines, with affirmations, by prioritising loved ones and their health First.

Speaker 1:

Right, a lot of you are probably thinking this is a very weird way around to do things, Like surely she just should be applying for jobs and like figuring out what to do next. But when you're in chaos and fear mode, your energy is different, like you're not going to attract the things that you want to attract. So you have to neutralize it. Right, you have to come from a space of okay, I'm ready to do this in a strategic way, and what I found, the next thing that happened was by having this space. She started to become inspired and we started to ideate and brainstorm, and every other week she used to come with me, come to me, with multiple business ideas, ideas that she hadn't even thought of. Right, these are things that had come to her when she was doing the sports, when she was meditating, when she was spending time with people that she looked up to and was inspired by, and because of this she could have got overwhelmed, which I think at one point she did.

Speaker 1:

She had so many ideas, but we started to prioritize them and, because she was in marketing and product, we started to productize the ideas. So we set plans to test them and see how feasible they are, and this was in the form of market research calls, speaking to people doing a bit more research. We used to test maybe, I think, one idea every month and see if it was something she actually wanted to do. Okay, and sometimes she used to show up to calls and be like fuck in hell, like I've just applied to jobs all week, right, I have no idea what I'm even doing this for. And we used to figure out okay, why were you applying to jobs? When you first got laid off, well, I was scared.

Speaker 1:

And then she started to develop self-awareness and when you've got this awareness and you are doing an action that you previously would do without thinking, you can stop it, and that's what she started to do. So if she ever found herself like going to LinkedIn and applying to jobs. She'd be like, wait, no, this is not what I'm meant to be doing. And she'd stop and she'd move on to the action she was meant to be doing, which was usually research or talking to people or figuring out the business. So fast forward six months after we'd done all this research, after we'd worked through multiple mindset blocks, after she had a solid morning routine, a solid life routine, she had developed self-accountability, she had not given into the fear and she'd built a business and even found a business partner. She built a successful like. She literally went and hustled and got like three or four clients at once. I would say that's a pretty big success when you're just starting out, found a business partner, built out a brand and still had space and time and energy to do everything she wanted to do. And now I see her all over LinkedIn and I'm so proud. I literally texted her the other day and was like I'm so proud of you. I love seeing your face all over my LinkedIn, but that is like an insane transformation and it reminded me very much of my transformation.

Speaker 1:

I had very similar fears. I was scared when I got laid off, but I also knew that. I think this is a huge message from the universe for all of those people who know how we were. I am, but I did the same kind of thing. I created space, I did yoga, I went for big walks. I was inspired. I started to put structure into the actions. I set goals, I started working towards those goals and I started to notice when I was beginning to trip myself up, and I used to correct it, and that's exactly what Jessica did. It's an amazing transformation.

Speaker 1:

And so why am I even telling you this story? Right, the reason I'm telling you this story is because I don't want you to give up hope. I'm here to help you understand that there is a different way of doing things. Now. Also, I just want to quickly say you don't need to go and start your own business. You can 100% go and be a leader in another company, but what is important is doing it from a place of structure, strategy and space versus fear, and this is what I see constantly.

Speaker 1:

When people are laid off, it's they're in fear mode. They're like what am I ever going to do? There's no more money. I don't know what to do without this job. La, la, la, la, la right, there's a million trillion ways to make money. We are all creative, especially if you're in a big role, if you're in a leadership role, if you're a founder, if you're a solopreneur, if you are a senior manager right, you have managed to get where you are because you are strategic. You are good with people. You know how to make money. You've already got there once, right, maybe multiple times. You can do this again, okay, there is never room for giving up hope. You only fail when you stop trying. I don't want you to stop trying on this. Okay, I want you to see that when you invest time and energy in yourself and your growth, crazy things happen. So when you are feeling that you're running with fear, that you've maybe just got laid off, you're worrying about the money paying the bills. I don't know what to do.

Speaker 1:

Think back to Jessica. She was in the exact same situation as you. Honestly, she was probably in a harder situation than you are right now. Maybe you've got a bit of savings to keep you. That was not the case for her. She was like shit, I need to make this work or I'm fucked. Right, and we managed to get her from moving with fear to feeling the fear and just doing the action she was meant to do that day.

Speaker 1:

That's the difference between people who stay stuck and move forward. They feel fear and they do the action that they're meant to do, and they keep moving forward. That fear is going to be there anyway. You may as well put it into work, guys. That's what I do, and when I feel that I'm falling into fear like I've been building this business for over a year now. I've had my own businesses multiple times throughout the year and when I start to feel that fear of shit, I don't know where the next money's coming from I stop, I go outside, I speak to people who inspire me, I put together a plan and I take action, and that's all you need to do. So I hope that helps you right now.

Speaker 1:

If you are going through this, feel free to reach out to me. Follow me on LinkedIn, because I do write about these kind of things quite often creating space, dealing with fear, scarcity, mindset, all these kind of things. So head on over to LinkedIn. I also am now more active on Instagram, which is Emily Rose Delara Coach, so go and follow all those reels and, before you go, have you subscribed to the show To help this show reach more people and benefit more leaders and founders and solopreneurs around the globe. I just need one favor please follow or click the subscribe button and leave a review on whatever platform that you listen to, even send me a comment, like unspotify If you're looking unspotify, you can send me a question.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I can answer this on the show. I would love to do that, so put a question in there. Sometimes you can actually add a voice message. Feel free, ask me anything. I am here to serve you. I'm here to disrupt the leadership of Emerging Tech on Web 3. So go ahead, subscribe. Even better, send me a screenshot on LinkedIn or on Instagram and, as a thank you, I'm going to send you a free leadership essentials course. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Don't worry, it's all going to be fine. I've been there. I'm proof. Jessica is proof. If you need anything, you know where I'm at. Speak to you soon. So that's all I've got for you today. As always, thank you for listening. Don't forget to drop me a review and subscribe wherever you get your podcast and head on over to Instagram and TikTok at Emily and Web 3 for daily content to help you thrive in Web 3. Also, feel free to drop me a DM, a message or a question. I am here to serve you. See you next time.

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