Bubbling Out: a podcast for people who lead.

Special Announcement: Your invitation to Thrive Circle

Emily Rose Dallara- Leadership and Mindset Coach Season 1 Episode 0

Ready to thrive as a confident leader in emerging tech? Join Thrive Circle, a 6-month group coaching program and leave the 24/7 work, overwhelm, and stress behind.

Apply now: https://forms.gle/naYyjjNkqY8qxLD2A 

Imagine Achieving This in 6 Months…

  • Feeling valued AND trusted at work.

  • Waking up ENERGIZED.

  • No more procrastination.

  • Self- doubts? What doubts? 

  • Hyper FOCUSED and productive.

  • A healthier work-life balance.

  • Full clarity on strengths and weaknesses.

  • Mastered decision-making and DELEGATION.

  • Enjoying more quality time with loved ones. 

  • Communicating and collaborating effectively.

  • Setting boundaries and saying 'NO' when needed.

       All of this is within your reach!

Whether you're stuck in an unfulfilling role, leading a small team or navigating a high-level position in a large institution, Thrive Circle can empower you to excel with confidence and clear-mindedness. 

Are you ready to power up your leadership skills and develop solid boundaries, confidence and have a tool of resources ready when your team says pivot?!  Let's get started!

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Speaker 1:

I need some support. I don't know how to thrive in this role and everything keeps changing, everything keeps pivoting. I need a bit of support. So the great thing about Thrive Circle is that you've got a community of leaders, and so by joining this programme, you're able to tap into this source of energy, this community of other leaders who get what you're going through. Hi everyone, welcome to the Web3 Thrive podcast. I'm your host, emily Rosdellara. This podcast was designed to give you the confidence, knowledge and clarity needed to succeed and lead in Web3. I teach proven strategies and tactics you can apply immediately to become confident and successful working in Web3. So take 20, plug in and learn how to really thrive in Web3. And if you like what you hear, leave me five stars and subscribe and Spotify or follow on Apple podcast so you never miss an episode. You can also sign up to my newsletter to get exclusive content, tips and strategies to help you thrive at work without the burnout and formal, direct to your inbox each week. Plus, you'll get full access to exclusive leadership and coaching Q&As, free workshops and all the Web3 Thrive podcast episodes in one place. So just head over to learnweb3thrivecom forward slash newsletter.

Speaker 1:

Let's get into today's show. Hi everyone. Welcome to a very special episode of Web3 Thrive. I wanted to just quickly jump in here with a quickie episode and tell you something really exciting. I just launched the applications for the next cohort of Thrive Circle. Now you've probably heard me talking about Thrive Circle in little bits and pieces on my social media, maybe on the podcast, but I haven't ever actually told you about Thrive Circle. But as we lead up to the launch of the next cohort and when people start joining and signing up, I wanted to make it available to you guys first.

Speaker 1:

So what is Thrive Circle? Thrive Circle is a six month group leadership and mindset program where you'll get really, really clear on how to lead and thrive in fast paced industries. This might include emerging tech, things like AI and Web3. And the best thing is it only takes you about 60 minutes a week. So you're not going to be in here like going through modules, like you're doing a course. No, it's going to be two calls a month of one hour and then you need to be focused and working and doing the homework for at least one hour a week. Right, that's what it takes, and when we get more into it, we do more intensive stuff. It might take a little bit longer, but it's worth it Now.

Speaker 1:

Thrive Circle is for leaders that resonate with feeling things like being exhausted, not feeling good enough, feeling overwhelmed and anxious, feeling unsupported, underappreciated, feeling like you. Literally all you want is calm in the chaos. Right, and so the people that I work with. They come to me when they're either stuck in a place. They've come into a role, and maybe they've been in the role for quite a while and they feel stuck. They feel like what am I even doing? Why am I even in this role? I don't even like it. I'm working all the time, I'm not getting paid enough for this and everybody's treating me like shit. How do I get out of this? Right? So that's one kind of scenario, one kind of client that comes to me. And then we've got another client who, like, is the founder CEO of their own company. Maybe they've got a few people in the team.

Speaker 1:

I usually work with people who've got like 10 to 20 people in their team and they just really want to be the best CEO possible. Maybe they've been running the company a few years and they just want to make sure that they're leveling up, that they're working on their mindset. They are not making decisions like rash decisions. They are including their team in the decision-making process. They're empowering their team, not just like delegating tasks to them. That they are not running with fear, okay, that they're really, really focused on being the best leader, best founder possible. So that's another kind of person that comes to me and and then we have someone who's like an amazing leader. They may be working huge big financial institutions and they're in these big roles and they're wondering how did I get in this role? Right, I need some support. I don't know how to thrive in this role and everything keeps changing, everything keeps pivoting. I need a bit of support.

Speaker 1:

So these are the kind of people that come in. They're usually at a point where they're like I need some help or I really want to do the best that I can in this job, like I could do much better if I had a bit of support. Now, people who come to me the one golden thread that runs throughout them is that they're, they constantly are trying to prove themselves and Even if they're the big boss, they're constantly trying to prove themselves to their partners, to their family, to their friends, to their team, that they are good enough. And it comes back to a fundamental Belief that they are not good enough and they're constantly trying to like that's. That's fueling all their decision-making. That really is one of the golden threads that runs through all of the people who come to us and and they want to stop that. They want to stop having to prove themselves, they want to just feel like they are good and they want to have confidence and they want to Know what it takes to be successful, even when they're in an industry that changes constantly.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the great thing about Thrive Circle is that you've got a community of leaders right. You've got lots of different people, but they're all in a leadership role, a powerful role, a role with lots of responsibility or Maybe they're just founders who just really need some support right now, and one of the things that they all have in common is that they want to make change. That's a big thing. Like nobody comes to Thrive Circle if they want to say the same. Everybody wants to make change and they all Want to understand why they're doing what they're doing. Some of them have lost their way. Some of them don't even know why or what their mission is. Okay, and so by joining this program, you're able to tap into this source of energy, this, this community of other leaders who get what you're going through. They've probably been through this at some point in their journey. Maybe they're going through it right now, okay, and so by joining Thrive Circle, you get access to things like leadership frameworks and resources.

Speaker 1:

So I've just released a mini course I talk about sometimes and that's a free email series that helps you to develop the confidence to gain trust in a team setting. Okay, so you come in as a new leader and you develop trust slowly and it helps you to get people to Come on to your side right and get buy-in and you get yeses more than no's. We work on things like this. We work on boundaries, we work on goal-setting missions, we work on vision setting. We work on all the things that are going to help you to feel Ready to be the best leader possible or whatever your goal, maybe. Right, it equips you to go to the next level.

Speaker 1:

Every two weeks, we have calls, and In these calls I'm usually delivering a topic. We'll speak on things that I just mentioned, like goal-setting Boundaries, teaching you all the little tips and tools that work for me, work for my clients, and then in some of these sessions we also have pure coaching. So I ask you to submit questions and whatever's been on your mind, whatever you're really struggling with, we'll bring that to the table and you can be coached on it. And this group setting really provides the ability for everyone to be coached. So even if one person's being coached, they're learning from this coaching session that they're like. Sometimes I have clients in the current Thrive Circle who say at the end you know, I don't need to ask my own question because I got everything I needed from the whole discussion. It was really, really helpful. Okay, so we do that. And then throughout the program we do have a few little challenges where we will add in extra calls because you need extra momentum and the extra motivation. So, on top of all of that, you have a private community so you can chat with each other. In the next Thrive Circle cohort we will have multiple groups running at the same time, but you will have this one place to talk and chat and share and network. You will have the opportunity to have pure one-on-one coaching with me if you choose that option.

Speaker 1:

We have guest speakers and workshops, so we have people who come in and talk about their leadership experience we talk about like, especially, people who are in the current emerging tech and Web3 space. They come in and talk about what worked for them. Most of the time they're people who've already been through coaching with me as well. But we have people like Isla Rain who is a functional practitioner. She's been on the show actually. She comes and talks about cycle-sinking. So for all of our female Thrive Circle members, it's amazing and that's another point it's not just for women, it's for men as well. I have more and more male clients and it's amazing. And Thrive Circle is open for men, so men don't be put off by the female talk.

Speaker 1:

You also get access to a post-program membership, and so this post-program membership is optional. You don't have to join it, but you will get first dibs on it and you will get a special price. Now nobody else can join this membership. You have to have gone through Thrive Circle so you get access to that as well. Now, after three months, we've had leaders implementing big change in their lives. So bear in mind this is a six-month program.

Speaker 1:

After three months I always review, I always make sure everybody's tapping into their progress and understanding where they've come versus the previous three months and the comments that I get are things like they're waking up energized. They've set boundaries around their work and life or they're on the way to setting those boundaries. They feel more trusted and listened to at work. They feel like they're enhancing their career progression or they at least know what direction to go in. Now. They know what it takes to make big decisions. They know what it takes to delegate. They know what they need to delegate. They've finally got that stuff out the head and they've stopped trying to do it all on their own and they're actually having a positive impact.

Speaker 1:

And what we see is it isn't like boom, you're going to change overnight. It's incremental changes and these incremental changes have a positive impact on you and everybody else around you. That's what we're going for here. It's not like boom, you're going to change overnight. It's small changes to your life and your bubble and then the rest of the people around you reap rewards and you start to get bigger results. You start to get faster results and you start to gain more trust and you're actually empowering people, as you do that too, to work on themselves.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, most importantly, the people who are coming through Thrive Circle love what they're doing. Okay, when they first start Thrive Circle not a lot of them do, but they learn how to really pull the parts of their role that they love and do more of that they actually understand. We do an exercise in Thrive Circle to help you understand what it is that you're really really good at and what you really really love, and we get them to do more of that and understand what else they can delegate, so they don't have to spend all their time doing the stuff that they don't like. Okay, now that was a lot, and you can tell like I'm very passionate about Thrive Circle and I've got quite a few testimonial videos on my website that talks all about Thrive Circle, and so you can go and listen to them. But, most importantly, thrive Circle is for you If you know that how you're working is unsustainable and you don't want to wake up in a year or two and nothing has changed right. So I'm talking to you people, people who know that they are not that happy right now, that this is not what they're loving right now. You have the opportunity to change. So if that sounds exciting to you, head over to emilyrollsdellaracom. Forward. Slash Thrive hyphen circle.

Speaker 1:

I'll put the link below and you can see if you're a suitable fit. I've put all the information in there, all the modules. It's not a cost, right? So it's not a self-serve cost. But I will be taking you through a program. I'm not just. It's not just pure coaching, it's a structured program that will be back and forth. It's not me just delivering information, it's a back and forth, open setting. So if that sounds good to you, apply.

Speaker 1:

I curate the group. So it's not anybody who can just join it. If you really are a fit, you can join and it'll work. But we make sure that everybody will fit and everybody will be complimentary to each other. So that's why we have an application process. So go ahead and apply, book in a call. I'm making sure I'm clearing my calendar so you can book in. If you can't email me, let me know. We'll make sure we can get you booked in. And don't forget to tell if this isn't for you. Don't forget to share this with someone who you think it might be good for, or any of your work besties, and come and invite them to be part of our amazing Thrive Circle. That's all I just wanted to let you all know that applications are open before I go into the full launch.

Speaker 1:

We've got masterclasses running. We've got lots of social media posts. I wanted you to just get it first. Okay, I hope to see you there. I hope to see a few of you in Thrive Circle soon. Speak to you soon. Bye, so that's all I've got for you today, as always. Thank you for listening. Don't forget to drop me a review and subscribe wherever you get your podcast, and head on over to Instagram and TikTok at Emily and Web3 for daily content to help you thrive in Web3. Also, feel free to drop me a DM, a message or a question. I am here to serve you. See you next time you.

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