Bubbling Out: a podcast for people who lead.

Disrupting Leadership: Succeed Without Burning Out in High-Pressure Industries

Emily Rose Dallara- Leadership Coach & Entrepreneur

Start here 👋 Ever feel like the relentless pursuit of success is burning you out? You're not alone, and that's why we're rebirthing leadership on Bubbling Out, the sanctuary for leaders seeking to win without the exhaustion. 

Join me in this episode as I share the transformative journey from our old brand Web3 and Thrive to the more playful and expansive Bubbling Out.

We're navigating away from the hustle culture and into a realm where resilience, change management, and increasing our capacity for stress are the new norms. 

Hear the revelations from my own coaching session that sparked a revolution in my approach—no longer confined to the Web3 ecosystem but expanding to leaders across various high-pressure industries. 

Whether you're in finance, tech, or any field where the heat is on, this episode promises to equip you with strategies and insights that will empower you to lead confidently and sustainably. 

Life is better in the bubble.

🪩 don't forget to subscribe to the podcast for a bi-weekly break and pick-me up from the chaos of leading a team.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Bubbling Out, where we're popping the norms of leadership and creating new, sustainable, powerful ways to lead. This podcast is your sanctuary for discovering how to lead with resilience, manage change depletely and handle stress effectively. It's a show for leaders who want to navigate high pressure environments with confidence and success, while also protecting their personal well-being. Because this is meant to be fun, not exhausting. Join me for a series of breakthrough conversations, practical tools and mindset tips and a peek into my weird and wonderful life as a leader and entrepreneur, all aimed at helping you lead without compromising your time, energy, values or lifestyle. Each episode is a personal invite to play, learn, shake out the day and recharge. You'll leave feeling confident, energised and resource for whatever's next in your day. In Bubbling Out, we prove that life and leadership truly is better in the bubble. I'm so excited to have you here Now, before we begin. If you like the show, leave us five stars and hit subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also sign up to my newsletter to get exclusive content, tips and strategies to help you lead without the burnout and the formal Direct to your inbox each week. Plus, you'll get full access to exclusive leadership and coaching Q&As, free workshops and all the Bubbling Out podcast episodes in one place.

Speaker 1:

Let's get into today's show. Welcome to Bubbling Out. It's so nice to have you here. Guys. We have just recently rebranded, if you hadn't noticed, and we repositioned the podcast a little bit. What used to be Web through and Thrive is now bubbling out. I hope that you're liking all the new branding and if you're over on Instagram, I can see you liking all the posts. So thank you so much for your support. It's been amazing to go back through this journey of rebranding and getting excited again and choosing new music and annoying my podcast editor, alex, with all my questions all the time. But yeah, it's been fabulous.

Speaker 1:

Now you're probably wondering what was the decision-making process here? Why move from Web 3 to this random name bubbling out? Well, let me tell you I made this decision because it actually came from a coaching session with my own coach and I was telling her how I wasn't excited about recording the podcast anymore and she was like, okay, let's look into it as we do as coaches. So we realized that I wasn't getting the results I wanted, which meant I wasn't excited anymore and I wasn't even looking at the industry that I was talking to anymore, which was Web 3. And Web 3, I realized it wasn't my world anymore. I felt a bit jaded.

Speaker 1:

To be honest, I've been here, for I've been there for eight years and, honestly, my world has evolved since being that young, 20-something doing marketing for Bitcoincom, right, my world had evolved so much more and I realized that it just didn't align with me. This hustle, hustle, hustle culture, this place where leaders are not taken care of, this constant, constant feeling like things are happening but they're not happening. I don't know, it just wasn't exciting anymore. I was an investor. I'd learned how to invest whilst being in this space. I'd grown up, I think I think I'd just grown up from being such a young, excited marketing person to being now an entrepreneur who does other stuff right, and that's not my world anymore.

Speaker 1:

And really, I actually work with people who are in high stress, high pressure environments like Web3. I still have my Web3 clients, but I also work with people in big financial institutions. I work with people who are in tech or emerging tech right, and so I didn't want to, I didn't want to like have these leaders miss out on getting the support they needed if I was just focusing on Web3. And I feel like, because I was attaching myself to this industry, that they were not getting the support or having the impact they were not necessarily finding the podcast, for example, and they're the people that I really want to help. And so, because my world is now supporting leaders in high stress, high pressure environments to become confident, successful, without burning out, without compromising their energy or their values, I felt like I should be honest with myself and so the podcast name, the brand it had to go and the reason around bubbling out and the reason why we named it. That is because it's a practice that I have been doing for a very long time, creating my own inner bubble and my own external bubble and it's a practice that I bring to my clients. I help them to understand what it takes to create a solid but fluid bubble in their internal world and what it might look like to have their own external but fluid bubble on the outside, and how does that become balanced and how does that look like for each different person and how can that? Most importantly, how can that help them be a better leader, how can it help them be a compassionate leader, how can it help them get the results that they so desire and how can we do it in a fun way, because I really feel like tech and corporate and fintech and what all these terms are so hard and they're so corporate and they're just they're like scary sometimes, right, and so that's not what I wanted. I didn't want to be corporate, emily, I've never been corporate Emily and so I wanted to bring more fluidity, more playfulness to the podcast. So I'm going to be bringing my whole authentic self.

Speaker 1:

I am a DJ in practice, as my my podcast editor, Alex. He's teaching me and he's going to laugh because I'm nowhere near being a DJ, but I am practicing every day. I dance every day. Just this morning, I was fucking shattered Sorry for the language, but we swear quite a lot here. I was fucking shattered and I had to.

Speaker 1:

I was brushing my teeth with my big eye like a it's not a onesie, but this massive, huge jumper that I put on, it goes all the way down to my knees. I was brushing my teeth and I was like you know what? Let's put some music on. One of my favorite artists at the moment is Sahara Rose and she's got a great Afro beats, tropical vibe going on. So I was like, okay, shaking away, do you have a mastic shaking. I'll do a video of that one day for you guys. And then I got dancing. And then, by the time I'd finished brushing my teeth, I was so excited and I started dancing everywhere and I jumped into the bedroom and my husband was not happy and he was like turn the fucking music down. I was like, no, get up, it's fun. And so we're dancing around everywhere and, honestly, my day was fabulous.

Speaker 1:

So I want to bring that to the table. I want leaders to realize that life can be full and work can be full and it's all good. And I want to help them to create that equilibrium. I'm not going to say work life balance. I like to say work life integration, because there's never a balance and it all depends on what you do as well. If you're an entrepreneur solo, like soldiering away building the business, your business is probably 90% of your life and that is okay sometimes, as long as you do it in a way that keeps your nervous system happy, that keeps your social life, your family, your heart happy. That's all that matters and that is what I want to create in bubbling up.

Speaker 1:

I want you to come to key each episode and I want you, even if you're having a stressful day or maybe you're having a very chill day, I want you to feel like this is a place where you can come in, re, energize, recharge and leave feeling like you've had a big motivational hug and a calm nervous system. It's really your. I want it to be a sanctuary for discovering how to lead with resilience and discovering how to manage change pivot like this right, and I want you to handle stress in your own way, and I want you to learn how to increase the capacity for stress, because this is something that really helped me. I used to get my knickers in a twist, as my mum says so much, and when I realized that I could increase my capacity, stress I didn't have. We can't eliminate stresses. They're there, they're in our environment, but if you can increase the capacity for them and the way that you manage the stresses, life becomes a lot easier.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, and I want to be able to share that with you guys, and I want to be able to share that you can work in high-pressure environments being confident and successful, but you can also do that whilst protecting your own personal well-being and energy, and so I want to share that with you too, and I'm also going to be bringing on successful entrepreneurs and leaders and learn from them as well. We're going to learn how they built teams that worked well under pressure in high-stress environments, in environments that kept changing all the time, like in tech and Vintech and emerging tech. Things just change all the fucking time. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow. We want to learn what worked for them, what didn't work for them. What did they do to create equilibrium in their lives, balance? What did they do to cleanse and feed their minds and their bodies? What weird things did they do? I want to learn all about that, and the people are really what I'm interested in.

Speaker 1:

I don't care how much money you made. I don't care how you built the business. I just care about you and the people, the people that you manage and the people around you. If you do weird dancing, if you do weird yoga, like I do, it's not weird, it's cool. If you have a weird sport also not weird. I don't know why I'm using this word so much. I want you to bring it to the table. Tell me how it helped you be a better leader. I'm also going to be bringing practical frameworks that I use. I'll probably bring a few of the modules from my program in here.

Speaker 1:

We'll talk all about the leadership bubble of balance, which is actually a model that I've built and that's actually what I base all of my group coaching on, my team coaching on. You'll be able to get access to all of that, and I'm also going to be telling you a few personal stories. Things happen every day. Have a really fun filled, fun and fulfilling life, and I want to share that with you too. But honestly, I just want to help you have a better day. That's all I wish for. Have a better day and feel like you can manage whatever is in front of you. So welcome, pop in soon. Can't wait to see you. See you in the bubble. That's all for today on Bubbling Out. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a five-star review. Your reviews and subscriptions help more people, more leaders, more entrepreneurs like you. Access the Bubbling Out podcast. Also, if you're on Instagram or TikTok, go and follow me Emily Rose Delara, coach for behind the scenes, dog vids, somatic exercises and me DJing sometimes. See you next time in the bubble.

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